Email Signature Rebrand
First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Physical Address:
670 S Colorado Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
5700 Old Brim Rd, Midland, GA 31820
5101 Transport Blvd, Columbus, GA 31909
30 Railroad Ave, West Haven, CT 06516
25 Amflex Dr, Cranston, RI 02921
30 Martin St, Ste 3A, Cumberland, RI 02864
333 Bucklin St, Providence, RI 02907
Submit and Download
Instructions on Applying Your Signature:
Open new signature:
Open your new signature in your browser window by clicking on it
Copy new signature:
Highlight your new signature by using Ctrl+A or by dragging your mouse then hit Ctrl+C or right-click and copy
Open Outlook, click File:
Open your Outlook program and click on File
Open Options:
Click on Options
Open Mail:
Click on Mail
Open Signatures:
Click on Signatures
Create new signature:
Click on New then name your signature
Paste new Biotouch signature:
Paste your new signature by clicking on the edit area and hitting Ctrl+V or by right clicking and choosing paste
Click Save, then OK:
Save your new signature, then hit OK
You're Finished!
Your new signature representing our company change is complete!